“If you want to know how hard I work, come to my house.” 迪拜民航兼酋长国集团主席马克 杜姆 先生
HIS HIGHNESS SHEIKH Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation and Chairman of the Emirates Group, could hardly contain his pride for Dubai as he welcomed FIATA members to the 2007 World Congress. “If you want to know how hard I work, come to my house.”
H.H. Sheikh Ahmed flaunted Dubai 's hard work with a parade of statistics – in 2006, for example, DP World handled 40 million TEU's and Emirates Airlines hosted 7.5 million passengers on 2,350 flights a week to 94 destinations.
Ali Khalfan Saleh Al Jallaf, Vice President of the Cargo Unit at Dubai Cargo Village and Chairman of the Dubai Host Committee for the 2007 FIATA World Congress described the emirates as “the business center of the world.”
And Al Jallaf's fellow committee member Capt. Mansoor Y A Ghafoor described Dubai as “ a place that never sleeps.”
Ghafoor stressed that Dubai has no plan to sleep and will only continue to grow. He cited the emirate's security, direct connections and linkage, ease of detting up business, skilled workforce and open policies as factors that will keep business coming. “ Dubai ,” he said, “has all the key ingredients for a successful logsitics hub.”
H.H. Sheikh Ahmed invited the conference back to Dubai . He promised that Dubai Logistics City will be operational within two years, offering a full renue for the 2009 FIATA World Congress. “Imagine Dubai in 2009,” he told the crowd. The possibility is endless.
想知道我有多忙,来我的住所看看 - 迪拜民航兼酋长国集团主席
当迪拜民航兼酋长国集团主席马克 杜姆 先生欢迎出席 2007 年 FIATA 年会时,他难以抑制那份对于迪拜的自豪感。“想知道我有多忙,来我的住所看看”。
马克 杜姆 先生用一系列的数字来表达迪拜多年来在这方面的努力。 2006 年, DP World 操作了 4 千万 TEU 的货物,酋长国航空公司载客量达 7 百 50 万,在 94 个目的地间每周往返 2350 多次航班。
杰拉夫,迪拜货运村货物单元兼 2007 年 FIATA 年会主委会主席称阿联酋为“世界的商业中心”。
曼 苏尔 先生称迪拜为“永无休止的国度”。
马克 杜姆 先生邀请 FIATA 年会 2009 年再次来到迪拜。他保证迪拜物流市将在未来两年内全面运营,为 2009 年的 FIATA 年会提供举办地。他对人群说,“想象 2009 年的迪拜,任何事情都是可能的。”
“I'm still learning, even now”
It's hard to believe Ali Khalfan Saleh Al Jallaf has anything to learn about logistics. Since joining the Department of Civil Aviation in 1989, he has become an industry leader, for example, founding Dubai Logistics City and the Dubai Flower Center . Today, Al Jallaf serves as Vice President of the Cargo Unit at Dubai Cargo Village . He is also a permanent member of the Executive Board of the National Association of Freight and Logistics. Despite years of experience in the logistcs industry, Mr. Al Jallaf insists he is still learning. “I'm really happy I work in cargo because it's a school for me,” he says. “I learn a lot. I'm still learning, even now.”
Al Jallaf says, thanks to his industry, he is never bored. In cargo you meet a lot of activities – passengers, traders, porters, airlines, freight operations, government, custorms. You get all the knowledge. “Al Jallaf says conference like FIATA are ideal places to learn more about logistics. He says he values the events's organised forums, and he particularly likes the information opportunities to learn from fellow logistics professionals. In fact, Al Jallaf insists networking at conferences such as this has contributed to his career. If conferences are 50% knowledge to him, the other is connection. Al Jallaf beams with pride to say he knows almost everyone in the industry. FIATA, after all, he says, is about friendship, not only business.
“就是现在,我还在学习” - 拉杰夫, FIATA 组委会主席
很难想象拉杰夫先生在从事物流行业这么多年后,还有东西要学习。拉杰夫先生在 1989 年时加入了迪拜民航部,现在他已是这一行业的领导者。他主持修建过迪拜物流城市和迪拜花园中心。他也是国家货代物流协会的董事局成员。
拉杰夫先生说像 FIATA 这样的会议是最好的学习物流知识的场合。他说他很看重这个会议举办的各种论坛,又恰好能和这么多的物流界同行学习的机会。事实上,拉杰夫坚持说会议这总形势的社交是最有利于事业的发展的。如果会议内容是知识的 50% ,那么共同就是另外的 50% 。
拉杰夫先生自豪的说他几乎认识这一行业的每个人。他说, FIATA 更多的是一种友谊,而不是商业。 |