Who is FIATA?
FIATA, in French "Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés", in English "International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations", in German "Internationale F?deration der Spediteurorganisationen", was founded in Vienna/Austria on May 31, 1926.
FIATA, a non-governmental organization, represents today an industry covering approximately 40,000 forwarding and logistics firms, also known as the "Architects of Transport", employing around 8 - 10 million people in 150 countries.
FIATA has consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (inter alia ECE, ESCAP, ESCWA), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
It is recognized as representing the freight forwarding industry by many other governmental organizations, governmental authorities, private international organizations in the field of transport such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the International Union of Railways (UIC), the International Road Transport Union (IRU), the World Customs Organization (WCO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), etc.
In summary FIATA is the largest non-governmental organization in the field of transportation. Its influence is worldwide
· to unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide
· to represent, promote and protect the interests of the industry by participating as advisors or experts in meetings of international bodies dealing with transportation
to familiarize trade and industry and the public at large with the services rendered by freight forwarders through the dissemination of information, distribution of publications, etc.
· to improve the quality of services rendered by freight forwarders by developing and promoting uniform forwarding documents, standard trading conditions, etc.
· to assist with vocational training for freight forwarders, liability insurance problems, tools for electronic commerce including electronic data interchange (EDI) and barcode
FIATA is structured into Institutes, Advisory Bodies, and Working Groups each in their turn dealing with every aspect that affects the international movement of freight.
The Institutes, which usually meet twice per year, carry out the technical work of the Federation. Currently FIATA has three, namely the
Airfreight Institute (AFI)
Customs Affairs Institute (CAI)
Multimodal Transport Institute (MTI)
Some of the Institutes have some permanent Working Groups; e.g. the MTI has three for Sea, Rail and Road Transport, and the AFI one for IATA matters. Working Groups are reported to their respective Institutes and meet according to necessity.
For matters that affect the whole of the freight forwarding industry there are five Advisory Bodies:
· Advisory Body Dangerous Goods (ABDG)
· Advisory Body Information Technology (ABIT)
· Advisory Body Legal Matters (ABLM)
· Advisory Body Public Relations (ABPR)
· Advisory Body Vocational Training (ABVT)
They co-operate with the Institutes and Working Groups, if required, and meet according to necessity.
Congresses & Events
Each year, FIATA holds a World Congress. This international event brings together the freight forwarding industry and transport world. It serves to conduct the business of the Federation, is a social occasion and last but not least acts as a meeting place to conduct business.
FIATA National Association members are divided into 4 regions worldwide. These are:
Africa/Middle East
· Americas
· Asia/Pacific
· Europe
Each Region meets twice a year; during the HQ Session in Zurich and at the FIATA World Congress. The prime target of these regional meetings is to bring forward the specific issues of regional concern and interest, and if necessary submit them to the Institutes and Advisory Bodies of FIATA. The intention is to identify and assist regional members in solving the local difficulties. Another important topic is to gain synergies between the member countries of the regions and to import and export these benefits to other national associations.
Another annual event organized by FIATA is the Headquarters Session, which is being held every March in Zurich/Switzerland details
"WG Meetings" gives you information on forthcoming meetings of the various technical bodies of FIATA. For more information on these meetings please contact the responsible Manager at the FIATA Secretariat details
For your information only a list of international events organized by third parties is published under Third Party Events. This list contains events which may be of interest to you. For more information on such events, please contact directly the organizers details
国际货运代理协会联合会 一、基本情况
国际货运代理协会联合会( International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations )于 1926 年 5 月 31 日 在奥地利维也纳成立,总部设在瑞士苏黎世,并分别在欧洲、美洲和太平洋、非洲、中东四个区域设立了地区办事处,任命有地区主席。其中,亚洲和太平洋地区秘书处设在印度孟买。简称 FIATA ,即, Fédération Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilés 的法文缩写。 FIATA 是一个非赢利性的国际货运代理行业组织,目的是保障全球货运代理的利益并促进行业发展,目标是团结全世界的货运代理行业;以顾问或专家身份参加国际性组织,处理运输业务,代表、促进和保护运输业的利益;通过发布信息,分发出版物等方式,使贸易界、工业界和公众熟悉货运代理人提供的服务;提高制定和推广统一货运代理单据、标准交易条件,改进和提高货运代理的服务质量,协助货运代理人进行职业培训,处理责任保险问题,提供电子商务工具。
被称为国际货运代理业 “ 建筑师 “ 的 FIATA ,在联合国经济与社会理事会、联合国贸易与发展大会、联合国欧洲经济委员会及亚太经社会中均扮演了顾问咨询的角色。同时,它也被许多政府组织、国际铁路联合会、国际公路运输联合会、世界海关组织等一致确认为国际货运代理业的代表,可谓影响遍及世界各个角落。
年会期间,商务部和上海市政府将联合主办 “2006 上海国际物流高峰论坛 ” ,邀请国内相关部、委领导和国际物流跨国企业主管约 500 人参会。主办单位领导将出席论坛并做主题演讲。
FIATA 推荐的国际货运代理标准交易条件范本及 FIATA 国际货运代理业示范法及制定的各种单证为保护全球货代行业的利益并促进行业的发展和规范化作出了杰出的贡献。
FIATA 的最高权力机构是会员代表大会,下设主席团。主席团对外代表 FIATA ,对内负责 FIATA 管理。设有航空货运、海关事务、多式联运等研究机构,并成立了常设工作组;危险货物咨询委员会、信息技术咨询委员会、法律事物咨询委员会、公共关系咨询委员会、职业培训咨询委员会等常设委员会。它还制订了《国际货运代理业示范规则》、《国际货运代理标准交易条件》以及有关单据、凭证格式,供会员采用。 FIATA 有自己的章程,根据章程设立各级组织并开展活动。 FIATA 每年举行一次世界性的代表大会,这一国际性的活动将运输界和货运代理紧密联合在一起,适时地引导了货物运输的整体经济发展,是一项社会性的活动。同时也是 FIATA 的最高权利机构,所有会员都可以参加。大会除主要处理 FIATA 内部事务外,还为国际货运代理界人士提供一个社交的场合及业务交流的机会。
从 60 年代起, FAITA 先后成立了若干咨询委员会及常设机构,分别是研究有关国际货物运输的热点问题的多式联运机构、海关简化机构和货物空运机构;危险货物咨询委员会、法律事务咨询委员会、职业培训咨询委员会、公共关系咨询委员会和信息技术咨询委员会。
FIATA 是一个世界运输领域最大的非政府和非赢利性组织,具有广泛的国际影响。会员分为 4 类: 1 )一般会员,代表某个国家全部或部分货运代理行业的组织和在某个国家或地区独立注册的惟一国际货运代理公司,可以申请成为一般会员。 2 )团体会员,代表某些国家货运代理行业的国际性组织、代表与该联合会相同或相似利益的国际性货运代理集团、其会员在货运代理行业的某一领域比较专业的国际性协会,可以申请成为团体会员。 3 )联系会员,货运代理企业或与货运代理行业密切相关的法人实体,经其所在国家的一般会员书面同意,可以申请成为联系会员。 4 )名誉会员,对该联合会或货运代理行业做出特殊贡献的人士,可以成为名誉会员。目前,成员主要来自世界各国的国际货运代理协会,包括 4 万个国际货运代理公司、近千万个雇员的代表。现有来自 86 个国家和地区的 96 个国家级会员, 2700 多家个体会员,遍布 150 各国家和地区。其中,亚洲地区有 30 个国家和地区货运代理协会是国家级会员, 165 家个体会员。
我国对外贸易运输总公司作为国际级会员的身份,于 1985 年加入了该组织。 2000 年 9 月中国国际货运代理协会成立,次年作为国际会员加入 FIATA 。我国台湾省和香港特区各有一个区域性国家级会员,台湾以中国台北名称在 FIATA 登记注册。目前,我国大陆有 20 多个个体会员,香港特区有 105 个,台湾有 48 个。
FIATA 每年举行一次世界性的代表大会,即 FIATA 年会。通过对 FIATA 上年度的工作报告和财务预算和对一年内世界货运代理业所发生的重大事件进行回顾,来探讨影响行业发展的紧迫问题,通过主要的法规和条例,促进世界贸易和货运代理业健康发展。
1996 年 10 月, FIATA 正式推出了标准条件,为国际货运代理人的定义及责任风险做了法律界定,并为货运代理人及托运人之间的委托关系制订了合约文本,对全球货运代理的业务规范化和风险防范起了巨大的推动作用。
FAITA 所制定的包括联运提单在内的八套标准格式单证,更为各国货运代理所广泛使用,并在国际上享有良好的信誉,对国际货运代理业的健康发展,起了良好的促进作用。 |